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Quantum Healing and Similar Meaningless Deepities: My Conversation with Deepak Chopra

Episode Summary

Deepak Chopra is a medical doctor with mystical leanings, who has built a highly successful second career as a purveyor of alternative remedies, and deepities that I would say – and here, I suppose I show my bias – impress those who think that if they can’t understand something it must be profoundly significant. As part of my Channel Four documentary Enemies of Reason, I asked him to explain his concept of Quantum Healing. We went on from there.

Episode Notes

Deepak Chopra is a medical doctor with mystical leanings, who has built a highly successful second career as a purveyor of alternative remedies, and deepities that I would say – and here, I suppose I show my bias – impress those who think that if they can’t understand something it must be profoundly significant.

As part of my Channel Four documentary Enemies of Reason, I asked him to explain his concept of Quantum Healing. We went on from there.