The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins | Members Exclusive

Sifting Truth From Hearsay

Episode Summary

Richard Dawkins is in conversation with the host of Uncomfortable Conversations, Josh Szeps, in this episode of The Poetry Of Reality. Set on a stage in the heart of Brisbane, Australia, this exclusive chat flows through a string of riveting subjects, from the wonders of the natural world, and our relatives in the chain of evolution, to how science is taught in schools, religion's hold on people's lives, and the discernment of truth in the age of misinformation. Sprinkled with great humour, wit and courage, this is a discussion you won't want to miss out on.

Episode Notes

Richard Dawkins is in conversation with the host of Uncomfortable Conversations, Josh Szeps, in this episode of The Poetry Of Reality. Set on a stage in the heart of Brisbane, Australia, this exclusive chat flows through a string of riveting subjects, from the wonders of the natural world, and our relatives in the chain of evolution, to how science is taught in schools, religion's hold on people's lives, and the discernment of truth in the age of misinformation. Sprinkled with great humour, wit and courage, this is a discussion you won't want to miss out on.