The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins | Members Exclusive

Two Biologists On Conflict & Fascism

Episode Summary

I interviewed American biologist Jerry Coyne and author of 'Faith vs Fact: Why Science and Religion are Incompatible' and 'Why Evolution Is True'. We covered a myriad of controversial topics plaguing our world today: from the religious conflict in Gaza to modern-day struggles with freedom of speech, from the prospect of revolt against oppression to considering the demands of the Maori people, and also on affirmative action and the debate about race.

Episode Notes

I interviewed American biologist Jerry Coyne and author of 'Faith vs Fact: Why Science and Religion are Incompatible' and 'Why Evolution Is True'.

We covered a myriad of controversial topics plaguing our world today: from the religious conflict in Gaza to modern-day struggles with freedom of speech, from the prospect of revolt against oppression to considering the demands of the Maori people, and also on affirmative action and the debate about race.